Respect state arms of government – Maulvi Yawson

Ghana flagsMaulvi Muhammad Yusuf Yawson, Acting Ameer of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, has stated that respecting the state arms of government and state apparatus as well as institutions makes one a responsible citizen.

He noted that as political beings, “we must be ruled and governed by a system of governance, which we must respect”.

Maulvi Yawson said it was sin on the part of any Ahmadi Muslim to undermine the policies of an established government or do anything to derail its programmes and make a government unpopular.

He was addressing Muslims of the Ahmadiyya Mission at its 51st Annual Regional Conference in Wa, which was on the theme: “obedience to authority: the hallmark of a Muslim”.

He explained that followers of the Islamic faith did not live in isolation anywhere, and even in an Islamic state it was not the rule of the jungle that prevailed but a proper and supposed civilized system of governance.

Maulvi Yawson said, “Allah” (God) admonished all believers of the Islamic faith and practitioners to respect the rule of law, be peace-loving and show patriotism in their respective countries.

“It is binding on a Muslim to listen and obey, carry out an order issued by his or her authority whether he or she likes it or not.

“Issues that involve violation of a commandment of God or his Prophet or superior officer, in such an instance, there is no obligation to listen or comply,” Maulvi Yawson said.

Maulvi Yawson explained that Islam did not permit criticism of the order of the superiors, and also did not allow selective obedience, as well as advocate blind compliance or unreasonable obedience.

He urged Ahmadi Muslims to set the highest example of goodness, honesty, integrity and most importantly faithfulness and righteousness, pointing out that the hallmark of a true Ahmadi Muslim “is his or her esteem for Allah”.

“Let us respect established institutions and societal norms and avoid unnecessarily criticism of government of the day, but endeavour to provide concrete and positive suggestions that will bear on the social, political, economic and moral fabric of the people”, Maulvi Yawson advised.

Maulvi Yawson urged Ahmadi Muslims to avoid the use of any abusive language even when they found no wisdom in a policy of government.

He said they should also show reciprocal respect to traditional leaders, and other religious leaders and above all, they should not be guilty of any kind of vice, not let even a thought of mischief, wrongdoing or transgression past through their minds.

Dr. Ephraim Avea Nsoh, Upper West Regional Minister, who graced the occasion, suggested the need to launch a major crusade against indiscipline among the youth in Ghana.

He noted that indiscipline, no matter whatever form, retarded development and entreated Muslims and other religious organisations to use teaching of religion to help transform the youth and society.

The Regional Minister said the essence of obedience to authority evolved around all and it enjoined all to be obedient to the state, faith leadership, traditional authorities, family and society.

He said the absence of obedience to authority bred indiscipline, confusion, violence and crime and all must make sure the practice of obedience was inculcated in the youth.

Dr. Nsoh said it was saddening that youth in the Zongo communities were branded as violent and lawless and who easily fell prey to the machinations of politicians and some social deviants.

He said government through the National Youth Policy had taken steps to create opportunities for learning and acquiring permanent and employable skills for the youth to develop the full potentials of their talents.

He urged the youth in the region to take advantage of the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency and the Local Enterprises and Skills Development Programme to harness their potentials.

Dr. Nsoh commended the Ahmadiyya Mission for the promoting education, healthcare and agriculture in the Ghana and that government was happy that the Mission had ventured into establishing experimental wheat cultivation farms in the northern region, saying the initiative could create jobs opportunities and incomes for the people.

The conference offered the opportunity to reunite members of the Mission as one big family and created avenue for the cross fertilization of ideas for the promotion of unity and the strengthening of collective faith in Allah.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. Noor ul Amin says

    Religion is all about peace and there can’t be peace in society with conflict amongst the people and the state. Around the world Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been promoting this teaching of Islam that a believer has to respect the laws of lands and abide by them like an article of faith.

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