Pregnant ladies cannot write exams – St. Monica’s Principal insists

Pregnant WomanMrs Christiana Sabotie, Principal of Saint Monica’s College of Education in Asante Mampong says the decision by the authorities to disallow pregnant ladies to write final exams falls within Ghana Education Services (GES) rules and regulations.

She said pregnant students could not take part in the July final examination because “the decision of the college is guided by rules and regulations stipulated by the Teacher Education Division Manual for Teacher Trainees on school attachment provided by the GES”.

The Principal made this known to Ghana News Agency in an interview in a reaction to a call by Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) to allow five pregnant students who are in their third year to write the examination.

Mrs Sobotie confirmed that the number of pregnant students is five, but added “we are still counting”.

She said the college authorities only sought to enforce the GES regulations to ensure discipline and also to allow such students to receive proper ante-natal care while at home, adding: “I am not acting on my own volition.”

GNAT had said the decision to disallow the ladies to write the exam was worrying since GES is already challenged with high attrition rate of teachers.

According to the GES code of discipline for teacher trainees, 1998, pages 21, on special provision on pregnancy says: “A female student who becomes pregnant will be made to withdraw for a minimum period of one year, to apply for readmission.”
However, GNAT said consideration is needed for the students who in spite of their status had diligently prepared for the impending examination.

Source: GNA

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