Dialogue, appropriate policies essential to maximize diaspora contribution to development in Côte d’Ivoire
The ECA Office for North Africa and the Ministry Delegate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Ivorians Abroad, organized a workshop on Thursday, January 17 in Abidjan on strengthening the contribution of the diaspora to national development.
The workshop was attended by 55 representatives from various ministries and agencies, the UN system, academia, the private sector and civil society. Participants studied the initiatives available to maximize the contribution of the diaspora to development. The meeting was held as part of ECA’s programme on Strengthening the Migration-Development Nexus in Africa, which aims to provide technical support and strengthen the capacity of African countries to include the diaspora’s contribution, and especially remittances, into national plans and socio-economic policies.
Remittances have been a resilient and vital source for Côte d’Ivoire’s development in times of international shocks and crises, said Samia Hamouda, an economist and programme officer at the ECA Office for North Africa. Remittances are an opportunity that could become more beneficial if they are geared towards investment, she added, calling for the design of suitable policies and tools to maximize the benefits.
Director of the cabinet of the Ministry Delegate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Ivorians Abroad Goli Kouamé Louis-Philippe stressed the importance of migration and remittances as a valuable driver for national development. He reiterated the importance of optimizing these financial flows, ensuring that suitable policies are implemented and establishing a constructive dialogue between stakeholders. He also expressed his gratitude to the ECA for this initiative and for choosing Côte d’Ivoire for the programme.
The workshop concluded with the creation of a national technical working group (NTWG), the validation and adoption of its terms of reference. Technical support will be provided to (i) implement the identified priorities, (ii) propose reforms/actions and (iii) develop a framework conducive to investment by the diaspora.
Source: ECA