Four armed robbers arrested on Elubo highway

The Half Assini Police have arrested four armed robbers, including a Malian who attacked and robbed passengers traveling from Elubo to Accra after shooting the driver.

They are Timothy Ackah, leader of the robbers, Kwaw Yankson, aged 29, Samuel Amanzule 30, Gilbert Kwesi 35, all Ghanaians and Abudulai 25, a Malian national.

The Jomoro District Police Commander, Superintendent John Ferguson Dzineku made this known to the Ghana News Agency at Half Assini on Tuesday.

He said on Friday September 27 2013, at about 20:45 hours, the robbers and three others now at large, shot the front tyre of an Elubo-Accra bound bus at Kilometer 8 on the Elubo Highway, and also shot the driver, Mr Michael Kofi Ackah on the jaw when the vehicle came to a halt.

Superintendent Dzineku said the heavily-armed robbers later robbed the 14 passengers, who were mostly traders, of their money and fled into the bush before the Jomoro District Patrol Team arrived at the scene upon a call by a victim.

“The Team rushed the driver to the Eikwe Catholic hospital, from where he was later referred to the Effia Nkwanta Regional hospital due to his critical condition,” he said.

According to the Police Commander, on October 4 and October 5, the police upon a tip-off arrested the four robbers at their hideout at Elubo, and that a search conducted in their homes later led to the discovery of some offensive weapons.

Also discovered were a large side cutter, a locally made pistol, two empty “BB” Cartridges, eight life “BB” Cartridges, a double edge long knife, and quantity of dried leaves suspected to be Indian Hemp, he added.

Superintendent Dzineku said the victims had identified the robbers at an identification parade at Half Assini, and that the police are searching for the other accomplices.

Source: GNA

Central Region to celebrate Disaster Risk Reduction Day
Mr Emmanuel Dawood Mensah, Agona West Municipal Co-ordinator of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), has called on Ghanaians to eschew practices that could lead to the outbreak of disasters.

He made the call at a forum to launch this year’s World Disaster Risk Reduction Day at Agona Swedru on the theme: “People Living with Disability and Disaster”

Activities lined up for the celebration include radio discussion on the effects, causes and prevention of disaster outbreaks, clean-up exercises at health care facilities in the municipality, talks with Salvation Army School of the Deaf, float and a durbar to climax the celebration on Monday, October 14, 2013.

Mr Dawood Mensah said the dumping of refuse in gutters and drains, indiscriminate defecation, and leaving electrical gadgets on when not at home, were some of the practices if eschewed, would go a long way to prevent disasters.

Mr John Kuntu Blankson, Agona East NADMO Co-ordinator, said disaster could occur at anytime and its prevention should be the business of all.

He urged Ghanaians to change their attitude towards the environment to minimize the occurrence of disasters.

Mr Joseph Kojo Appiah, Agona West Municipal Disaster Officer, urged people with negative perception about NADMO to discard such a notion, adding that the doors of the organisation were opened to receive fruitful and workable ideas.

He urged people in the region to take active part in the celebration so as to create a conductive environment to effectively contribute their quota to national development.

Source: GNA

Civil servants alert members of impending strike
The Volta Regional Secretariat of the Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana, (CLOGSAG) has sent out alert notices to members across the region to withdraw their services from Monday October 14.

The alert was contained in a statement, dated September 26, and signed by Victor Xornam Kportoe, CLOGSAG Volta Regional Secretary and copied to all District Coordinating Directors, Heads of Departments and media organizations.

Reasons for the planned strike were given as “deliberate foot dragging in payment of top up/premium to staff of Civil and Local Government Services”.

Attached to the alert notice is a copy of a CLOGSAG Ghana 20th September 2013 statement stating that the Association had gone through all the processes to have concerns of its members addressed but failed to get a solution.

“Under the circumstances, the National Executive Council of CLOGSAG at its emergency meeting held in Cape Coast on Wednesday, 18th September, 2013 decided to notify the National Labour Commission and the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission of the intention of its members to embark on a nationwide strike in conformity with Section 159 of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) with effect from 14th October, 2013”.

That statement was signed by Isaac Bampoe Addo Executive Secretary and posted to regional secretaries and chairmen and district secretaries and chairmen across the country.

Source: GNA

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