Media can help societal advancement – President Mahama

President John Dramani Mahama on Sunday appealed to the media to remain focused and objective in their reportage to advance the Ghanaian society to the highest level.

This, the President said, could be done by avoiding politicians and other discussants who churned out insults, drawbacks and used intemperate language on their networks.

President Mahama made this appeal when he joined the Cedar Mountain Chapel, Assemblies of God Church, to thank God for emerging victorious in the election petition verdict.

Under the theme: “I Will Soar,” the service was also attended by First Lady Lordina Mahama, Ministers of state, Members of Parliament, Leadership of the National Democratic Congress and supporters of the party.

President Mahama said although the Constitution of Ghana provided for the freedom of speech, the media had the responsibility of holding politicians and public servants accountable by disallowing utterances that could undermine the peace and unity of the country.

The President said the growth and development of every society followed gradual processes and appealed to Ghanaians to recognise the blessings of God over the country.

“Society transforms over time and no society transforms at once and I believe God has blessed us as a country and it is necessary to count our blessings one by one for Him to add more unto us,” President Mahama said.

On media allegations levelled against the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, President Mahama attributed it to the excesses that unbridled media engagements could bring to society.

“Many people tend to believe everything that they find on the internet, but the difficulty here is most of the time, it is not easy to trace the actual authors of those fabrications,” the President said.

President Mahama said notwithstanding the challenges that had bedeviled the country, he would work selflessly to ensure that the national cake was shared equitably for growth and development.

Reverend Dr Stephen Wengam, Lead Pastor of the Church, advised President Mahama to use his four-year mandate to serve Ghanaians selflessly by making judicious use of the country’s resources for the benefit of all.

He appealed to all Ghanaians to be thankful to God for granting the country peace and unity over the years and urged them to consolidate those gains by praying and working hard for the country’s physical and spiritual development.

In consonance with the church’s traditions, where all fathers are recognised on Fathers’ Day, Rev. Wengam later decorated President Mahama for his sterling leadership and wished him a “belated Happy Father’s Day.”

Source: GNA

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