Global Communities commended for supporting CBOs

The support to Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) by the Global Communities, formerly CHF International, through its Small Grant initiative to improve governance and service delivery has been commended.

The Global Communities provides support to communities to improve civic engagement and responsibility among the urban poor especially in some selected slum areas in Accra under “IncluCity Project” by CBOs.

Mr Yaw Duah Akuamoah, Project Director of Nimba Community Support Services (NIMCOSS), one of the locally based CBOs made the commendation in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Accra.

He said through the Institute of Local Government Studies (LGS) and the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), 66 CBOs have had their capacity built to actively engage with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) to ensure that local governance is responsive to the needs of the people.

A four-year Community Development Plan under which 24 communities identified by the local CBOs on their needs have also benefited from 2,000 dollars each from Global Communities to enable the people involve themselves in the development efforts of their communities, the Project Director said.

He said the Global Communities has provided infrastructural and computers and accessories support to some selected schools at Kpehe, Ayidiki, Kotobaabi, Gbegbeisee, Usher Town, Old Mamprobi and Abossey Okai in Accra.

They also benefited from the provision of library facilities, waste bins, tricycles and double-seater desks.

Source: GNA

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