World Bank to assess barriers limiting economic growth in Bangladesh
The World Bank has launched the Enterprise Survey in Bangladesh to assess the business environment and investment climate barriers that limit economic growth.
The survey results along with additional information from other studies constitute a source of policy recommendation for the government of that country to promote investment, productivity and economic growth.
A press release issued June 6, 2013, stated that, The World Bank implements this type of study on the business environment throughout the world using a standardized questionnaire adapted to the particular context of each country. The questionnaire includes topics on infrastructure, access to financial services, innovation and technology, competition, workforce, informality, and the effect of government regulations on businesses.
“A thriving private sector is at the heart of a country’s development. Private investment leads to higher growth, more jobs, and greater prosperity, thus helping to reduce poverty levels.’ said Johannes Zutt, World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh and Nepal.
‘The survey results, along with previous data, will help us to understand the dynamics of the Bangladeshi economy and to identify further ways to help private businesses to success–both at home and abroad,” he added.
The release said, Nielsen Bangladesh, a leading research company of Bangladesh, has been contracted to implement the survey. The survey would commence from April and cover Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi, and Khulna division.
It noted however that, preliminary results of the survey are expected in September 2013.
By Dorcas Appiah