Teenage pregnancy in Jomoro District alarming – Health Director
Madam Shallotte Danquah, Jomoro District Director of Health Services, has expressed indignation at the growing incidence of teenage pregnancy in the District.
She said out of 2,563 pregnant women recorded at antenatal clinics in the District from January to June this year, 431 were teenagers.
Madam Danquah was presenting a report on the health situation in the area to the District Assembly at its recent ordinary session at Half Assini.
She said 1,745 out of the 2,563 pregnant women were counselled on HIV/AIDS. Also, 54 out of 1,629 of them who were tested for HIV/AIDS turned out to be positive, he added.
The Health Director announced that FOCUS Regional Health Project, a Non-Governmental Organisation, was supporting the Jomoro District Health Directorate to establish an ‘Adolescent Health Corners’ at Half Assini Government Hospital, and a reproductive and child health unit at Tikobo Number-One Health Centre.
She indicated that the adolescent health corners when established would reduce teenage pregnancies and school drop-outs in the District.
Madam Danquah said low coverage in the expanded programme on immunization, the lack of funds to carry out quarterly integrated services in the river communities, and the lack of official staff accommodation were some of the challenges facing health delivery in the District.
Source: GNA