Man captured in Ghana, returned to US to face trial for shooting wife to death

A Ghanaian man wanted since 2003 for the alleged shooting to death of his wife in the US has finally been captured in Ghana and returned to the US last Thursday February 24, 2011 to stand trial.

39-year-old Richard Konadu who was living in Irvington is accused of shooting to death his wife and mother of two, 27-year-old  Regina Carroll, a report by a New Jersey publication says citing US security officials.

According to the report, Konadu first fled to England after the incident and then to Ghana.

His arrest followed international investigations involving overseas agents, US diplomatic security services in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Ghana Police Service.

Konadu will face weapons and murder charges related to his alleged role in the shooting to death of his wife.

By Emmanuel K. Dogbevi

Man captured in Ghana, returned to US to face trial for shooting wife
A Ghanaian man wanted since 2003 for the alleged shooting to death of his wife in the US has finally been captured in Ghana and returned to the US to stand trial.
39-year-old Richard Konadu who was living in Irvington is accused of shooting to death his wife and mother of two, 27-year-old  Regina Carroll, a report by a New Jersey publication says citing US security officials.
According to the report, Konadu first fled to England after the incident and then to Ghana.
His arrest followed international investigations involving overseas agents, US diplomatic security services in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Ghana Police Service.
Konadu will face weapons and murder charges related to his alleged role in the shooting to death of his wife.
By Emmanuel K. Dogbevi

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