Unions with common modus operandi to merge

Under the Ghana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) restructuring programme, National Unions with common modus operandi would merge for the sake of cost-effectiveness, Mr George Mude, Administrative Officer of the GTUC, has disclosed.

Such possible affiliates include the Maritime and Dockworkers Union (MDWU) and the National Union Seamen, as well as the Railway Workers Union and the Railway Enginemen’s Union, all affiliates of the GTUC.

Mr Mude said the respective National Executive Councils (NEC) of the national Unions had agreed in principle for the merger to take place but that it would become effective only when such recommendations were adopted at their respective National Delegates conferences to be held on dates yet to be scheduled.

He said issues that would hamper the amalgamation had been ironed out by a joint committee appointed to pursue the merger agenda.

Mr Mude said the GTUC had appointed some trade union veterans including Mr Christian Appiah Agyei, former Secretary-General of the GTUC and Madam Veronica Ayikwei Kofie ex-Head of the International Affairs department of the Congress to work on the merger issue.

Source: GNA

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