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General News

TUC commends Ghanaians for receiving verdict

The Trades Union Congress (TUC), Ghana, has commended Ghanaians for peacefully receiving the verdict of the Supreme Court on the 2012 election. “On behalf of the working people of this country the TUC deeply commend Ghanaians for…

Metro Mass to train staff on client relations

The management of the Metro Mass Transit (MMT) Limited would soon commence a training programme for its staff aimed at addressing attitudinal and behavioral challenges. The training would be organized for drivers and other supporting staff…

52 private candidates receive free tuition

The Minister of Energy and Petroleum Resources, Mr.Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, has organized classes for 52 candidates to prepare them for  November/December West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination(WASSCE). This is to assist…

Farmers receive cocoa bonuses

Touton Ghana, an International Cocoa Purchasing Company, has paid $537,306 bonus for 6,000 farmers in the country for producing quality cocoa beans last year. Out of the amount, $232,600 would be given to the farmers in the form of direct…