Education Ministry refutes allegations of food shortages in Senior High Schools

The Ministry of Education has refuted news publications in traditional and social media that some Senior High Schools (SHS) will close down due to food shortages, particularly in the Volta Region.
A press release signed by Mr Kwasi Kwarteng, Spokesman for the Ministry, and copied to the Ghana News Agency said per its checks, adequate supplies of food items had been made to the schools in question.
The statement assured parents and guardians that all SHSs in the country had received adequate supply of food items, stressing that, the recent disruptions within the food supply chain had been addressed.
“The Ministry wishes to assure the public of its commitment and willingness in providing quality and timely supply of food to all Senior High Schools,” the statement added.
News items are making the rounds on alleged food shortages in some Senior High Schools, which purported that those schools were at the verge of closure.
The news rolled on the back of some regional chairpersons of the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) who alleged that schools would be forced to close down if the government failed to supply food.
It said the Association would send students home until enough food and money were made available to the schools.
This has raised concerns among the public and stakeholders in the education sector, culminating in various discussions in the media.
Source: GNA