Uncompleted sea defence wall rendering us homeless — Ada East Residents

Scores of residents in the Ada East District of the Greater Accra Region have revealed that the uncompleted sea defence wall has now become the pathway for the tidal waves entering the communities and rendering them homeless.

They said the project must be fast-tracked and completed to save them from perineal destruction and damage.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Nene Daniel Toku IV, the Chief of Azizakpe, said the tidal waves started hitting the community over the past seven years after the sea defence project was stopped hence directing the waves towards communities.

“After they left the sea defence to the mercy of the waves, the Azizanya island is not stable, several houses have been destroyed. The community was bigger than this, but all have been taken over by water, we are currently not safe,” he said.

Nene Toku, therefore, called on the government, benevolent institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and philanthropists to support them.

Mr. Frank Aggrey, a carpenter said, ” I was sleeping at dawn in my room and I realized I was going up before I could say jack, everything in the room was submerged, I couldn’t pick anything.”

He added that canoes and other things he was working on for people were all taken into the sea by the tidal waves.

Residents of other communities which were also affected by the incident such as Azizanya, Kewunor, Kewuse, Pediatorkope, Kpetsupanya, Alorkpem, Ayigbo and Lolonya called for prompt support to halt the consistent occurrence.

Madam Comfort Doeyo Cudjoe-Ghansah, the Member of Parliament for the Ada Constituency called on authorities to support the communities with a bungalow in a serene environment, where they could seek shelter during the crisis since they were working hard to feed the country with fish and coconut.

She promised that through Parliament the issue would be pursued for a lasting solution.

Source: GNA

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