Teenager commits suicide after failing to get school of choice

A 15 year-old Junior High School (JHS) graduate has committed suicide by hanging at Agona Asafo in the Agona East District of the Central region for not getting his school of choice.

Master Isaac Arhin, affectionately called Yaw completed Junior High School(JHS) in Tema and obtained aggregate 20 but the computer selection School Placement system(CSSPS) placed him at Kwahu Tafo in the Eastern region.

The deceased, according to the family spokesperson selected school in the Central region but instead he was placed far away in Eastern region, but the family complained of no money to purchase few items to enable him attend school.

According to the Sister of the deceased, Madam Georgina Boabeng, who narrated the sad incident to Journalists at Asafo, the boy was staying with his uncle in Tema where he completed the 2019 BECE.
Madam Boabeng said he came home to his father at Agona Asafo three days ago without the consent of his uncle and upon arrival his father asked him to learn fashion designing but he declined saying he wanted to go to Secondary school.

She stated that the family members at Asafo had indicated that they did not have enough resources to send him to Secondary school and though Senior High School was free, they needed to buy some items before they could send him.

He later complained that his parents were not willing to send him to secondary school.

Madam Boabeng said at about 0500 hours in the morning, the deceased told her that he was very hungry but was told food vendors were not ready and she left the house to collect money from someone who was indebted to her.

Madam Boabeng said she found her door locked on her return and several knocks on it went unanswered until a passerby suggested they should break the door only to find the lifeless body of the boy hanging.

She said a report was made to the Agona Swedru District Police Command, led by Chief Inspector Opoku- Mensah who went to the scene to retrieve the body and has been deposited at Swedru Municipal Government Hospital mortuary for autopsy.

Chief Inspector Opoku- Mensah told the media later that investigations were on-going to unravel the mystery behind the boy’s suicide.

Source: GNA

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