TUC calls for action on assault of journalists

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana has condemned attacks on journalists and media personnel over the years and called for proactive actions from government to secure their safety.

Mr Joshua Ansah, the Deputy Secretary General of the TUC, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday, said assaults on journalists have become rampant and that there is the need for government to find ways to end the brutalities.

He said culprits found must be dealt with according to law.

Mr Ansah said journalists play vital role in the day to day activities of every organisation through the provision of vital information.

He said without Journalists, peace will be difficult to attain and information flow would be low-slung and that is why the government must take keen interest in the protection of journalists to guarantee a safe environment for their work.

Mr Ansah urged the law enforcement agencies to be up to the tasks in ensuring the prosecution of anyone found to have assaulted media personnel in the line of duty.

Over the years, a number of journalists and media personnel have been assaulted under various conditions and most of the cases have been left not attended to either in public or in private.

Most cases of assaults on media personnel involved a police officer, a military officer or a politician who usually physically attack the journalist at times for ignoring an order and other times a deliberate attack for speaking out against them.

Recently, there was an assault on Mrs Raissa Sambou Ebu and Salifu Abdul Rahaman, and Malik Sulemana Ghanaian Times reporters, leading to the collapse of Mrs Sambou Ebu, who is also a nursing mother.

Source: GNA

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