Temporary closure of public roads

The Accra Regional Police Command has announced the temporary closure of roads in Accra, ahead of the funeral and burial of the late Vice President Papa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur from today, July 26th to Friday July 27, 2018.

A statement signed by Deputy Superintendent of Police, Madam Efia Tenge, Head of Public Affairs Unit, said the affected roads are the Osu Cemetery Traffic light, on the Lokko Street and the Castle road, and from the AU Circle to the Osu Cemetery Traffic Light.

It advised motorist traveling on the Lokko Street towards the Castle road to consider using Ajumaku and Oxford Streets.

The statement said traffic from the AU Circle towards the Castle road would be diverted unto the Abdul Diouf and King Hassan roads.

 It appealed to the public to take note of the traffic arrangement and cooperate with the Police Command to ensure effective traffic management.

Source; GNA

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