Akufo-Addo would be the best president in our time – Aspiring Presiding Member

President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will turn out as the best President of Ghana’s Fourth Republic if makes his personal political ambition secondary to Ghana’s stability and development.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, an aspiring Presiding Member of the Tema Metropolitan Assembly, Mr Joseph Korto, said the President was “brave and adventurous” which was rare and scary, but necessary to move Ghana forward.

“There are only a few leaders in history who have dared to embark on radical transformational agenda that incorporates building masses of factories, dams and the pursuit of educational accessibility the way the President is doing.
When I pause to take a look at the things that the President has embarked on and yet to do, I cannot help but to stand in awe,” he said.
President Akufo-Addo has committed his administration to an agenda of massive industrialization that entails the building of 216 factories. Just six months into office and a first tranche of money has been released towards the programme.
The longest and most experienced serving Assembly in Tema points out that only Ghana’s first President, Dr. Kwame Nrumah, showed that kind of radical ambition that President Akufo-Addo was showing.

“But even President Nkrumah did not commit to build 216 factories in just four years!”
“The future obviously looks bright for Ghana and it is all thanks to goodness that we now have a President who is so ambitious that he is dreaming big for all of us and at the same time leading us to achieve those dreams.”
 Among other things, President Akufo-Addo has also restored allowances of teacher and nursing trainees, earmarked funds for the construction of a dam in every village of the country and is in the process of allocating $1 million to every Constituency as part of a promised yearly allocation.”
He said, “The President has also kick started the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) program which seeks to make Ghana self-sufficient in food production through massive agrarian revolution.

While at it, the President has also embarked on a massive clampdown on illegal mining, also known as galamsey, which has destroyed farmlands and water bodies of the country over the years.”
According to him,”Even though Ghana has had several Presidents in the Fourth Republic, none has been able to tackle galamsey head on, as President Nana Akufo-Addo is doing.
The signs are unmistakable, and they are all over the place. He would be the best President of our Fourth

Source: GNA

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