Banker in court for stealing from deceased’s account

Kwabena Adu Gyamfi, a banker, has been put before an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly stealing GH¢11,000 from a deceased customer accounts.

Gyamfi 38, charged with stealing, has pleaded not guilty and he has been admitted to bail in the sum of GH¢15,000 with three sureties one to be justified.

The accused person claims it was the  late Nana Adu Gyamfi Kwamaning III who asked him to transfer GH¢6,000 to one Sarah Sosu, now at large and himself (accused) GH¢5,000.

The accused further claim Nana Kwamaning III, who died last year had since come for the GH¢5,000 from him.

Gyamfi is to reappear on January 19, 2017 before the court presided over by Ms Eva Bannerman Williams.

Prosecuting Detective Chief Inspector Isaac Agbemahia said the complainant was Maxwell Caleb Nortey Newman, a banker with the Forensic Investigation Department of Barclays Bank Head office Accra.

Chief Inspector Agbemahia said the accused person was with Customer Life Circle Management, a department of the bank branch at Knusford, Accra.

On October 24, this year, the relatives of the customer known as Nana Adu Gyamfi Kwamaning III went to the Oda branch of the bank and presented letters of Administration to enable the relations of the deceased  to access funds in the decease”s account.

It was realised that even though the customer passed on last year, there had been transfer of GH¢6,000 and GH¢5,000 respectively on June 2, this year and June 14, this year.

The matter, according to the prosecutor was referred to the Forensic Unit of the bank for investigations and it came to light that the accused person transferred the various amounts to one Sarah Sosu, a customer of the bank”s branch at Airport on June 2, this year and accused person’s account personal account at the Abossey Okai branch.

Prosecution said Sarah withdrew GH¢6,000 on June 3, this year while accused used his ATM card to withdraw the GH¢5,000.

Chief Inspector Agbemahia said the complainant after concluding his investigations reported the matter to the Fraud Unit of the Criminal Investigations Department.

During interrogation Gyamfi denied the offense and said that it was the deceased who came to the bank on June 2, this year and June 14, this year and asked him to do the transfer for him (the accused) and Sarah.

According to Gyamfi, the deceased had since come for GH¢5,000 from him.

Prosecution said the accused  failed for proof that it was the deceased who personally ordered the transfer.

The prosecutor said Police investigations revealed that Sarah Sosu,who received GH¢6,000 was Gyamfi’s cousin.

According to prosecution, the cameras at the bank did not show that the deceased was at the bank on June 2, this year and June 14, this year when the transfers were made.

Source: GNA

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