Tarkwa based radio presenter allegedly murdered over girl

PoliceA 45-year-old Tarkwa-based radio presenter of Pure FM and Medeamaa FM, who allegedly went to visit his 17 year-old girl friend at Essamang Kakraba, in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency has been murdered.

The deceased, Kojo Quayson, was allegedly hit with a stick twice on the back of his head by the father of the girl, Mohammed, 52.  

Superintendent of Police Augustine Anyarah, the Municipal Crime Officer, who disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Tarkwa, said the body had been deposited at the Tarkwa Government Hospital morgue for autopsy.

He said on November 27, at about 1430 hours, the deceased, who was also a Senior Safety Officer at Goldfields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mine, drove his personal car to the suspect’s house.

Superintendent Anyarah said when he arrived in the house, the suspect and his daughter were not at home, but his two other daughters were watching a film in the hall, while his eldest was in the bedroom.

According to him, one of the daughters stated that when Quayson entered their hall without a knocking on the door, she told him to go back since his girlfriend was not at home.

Mr Anyarah said Quayson started foundling the girl so she cried out and this attracted another sister to the scene, who informed their father on phone.

The suspect, who had earlier warned Quayson on his first visit to the house not to visit there again, quickly came home to demand Quayson’s mission.

Superintendent Anyarah said Mohammed slapped the deceased and this resulted in a fight between them.

Superintendent  Anyarah  said in the process the suspect  picked a piece of wood and hit the deceased, which made him dazed and he tried to move to his car, but fell some eight meters away from the suspect’s house.

Some tenants who were nearby quickly went to his aid and rushed him to the Tarkwa Government Hospital, but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The crime officer added that the suspect and his two daughters, who were currently in police custody and they would be put before court, while investigations continued.

Source: GNA

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