NCCE urges everybody to go out and vote

NCCE ghanaThe National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) is urging everybody to go out to vote in next month’s presidential and parliamentary elections.

Mr. Emmanuel Duah Attobrah, the Obuasi Municipal Director of the Commission, said every single vote was important and could make a difference.

He was speaking at the launch of a 268-page book titled “Political and Economic Development of Ghana” at Akrokerri in the Adansi North District.

Authored by Mr. William Yaw Oduro, a tutor at the Akrokerri College of Education, it chronicles the nation’s economic and political events between 1957 and 2014 and recommends solutions to the financial governance challenges. 

Mr. Attobrah said it was important that the people accepted to actively participate in the democratic governance of the society.

He also highlighted the need for political tolerance to remove tension and confusion as they headed to the polls on December 07.    

He asked all to put the unity, peace and harmony of the country, at all times, ahead of any other consideration.    

The NCCE Municipal Director used the occasion to encourage Ghanaians to demand accountability from their elected leaders – hold them to their election promises.    

Mr. Oduro said the book provided useful insights into the contributions of past and present governments’ to the political and economic development of the nation.

He reminded the people that Ghana was “far bigger than any political party and that we should think of the nation first”.

Source: GNA

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