I will pay back judgement debt – Woyome

Alfred Agbesi Woyome
Alfred Agbesi Woyome

Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome, a Ghanaian businessman and a former Honourary Vice Consul to Austria, has denied ever saying he would not pay back the judgement debt, as ordered by the Supreme Court.

“Although I disagreed with the judgement with all due respect to the Supreme Court, I have and will submit myself to the law, and abide by the Supreme Court’s order.”

Speaking at a press conference in Accra, Mr Woyome said it was unfortunate that some people had decided for their own selfish interests, to soil his reputation before the public and the rest of the world.

“The court of appeal is saying that upon looking into the matter there is no fraud. So when you talk of fraud, you are on your own,” said Mr Woyome.

He said the only trouble with the judgement debt that was paid him, was that the decision was not debated in Parliament before being carried out.

Mr Woyome said once he was not attached to government, he saw no reason why he had to suffer for a lapse, which had nothing to do with him.

“The Supreme Court is asking a citizen of this country to give back money, which is rightfully his under duress, and I am saying that they erred.”

He said as a citizen who had rights like anyone else, he had been harassed and humiliated wrongfully, “and out of ignorance, people are saying give us back our money etc, and I am asking whose money?”

Mr Woyome said once the courts had thoroughly examined the facts of his case and legally binding decisions had been taken, anyone who had a case against him had to go to court and not indulge in wild rumour spreading.

He advised journalists to thoroughly investigate issues and bring out the truth, adding that unless proven guilty, everybody had to be protected through truthfully laying facts, and the success of this, heavily relied on journalists.

Mr Woyome, was paid GH₵ 51 million, because he contributed to the raising of funds to construct stadia for purposes of hosting a pending CAF Nations Cup at that time.

The Attorneys General report in 2010, described the amount paid to Mr Woyome as illegal, and the Supreme Court in 2014, ordered Mr Woyome to pay back the amount, After Mr Martin Amidu,  a Former Attorney General and  Minister of Justice, and also a onetime Minister of the Interior, challenged its legality.

Source: GNA

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