Accra Technical University welcomes freshmen

Accra PolyThe Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the Accra Technical University, formerly Accra Polytechnic, has launched its ‘Akwaaba’ week celebrations in Accra to welcome first year students of the 2016/2017 academic year into the university.

The programme was held on the theme: “The role of students in promoting peace and our contribution towards national development through technical education.”

Peter Kumordzi, SRC President, said the school had maintained its decade’s long tradition of welcoming freshmen into the University.

He used the opportunity to caution the ‘freshers’ about their conduct, especially in this electioneering period and particularly during the elections.

Mr Kumordzi, who was also the Chairman for the occasion, said politicians, whose main targets were the youth during elections, usually came around the campus to “incite some of the students to do what they are not supposed to do.”

He, therefore, entreated all students present to put aside their political inclinations and be more tolerant of each other’s views.

He urged the freshmen and women to “tread cautiously” when they go to exercise their franchise. “Go, cast your vote and leave the polling station peacefully,” he added.

As an advice, the student leader urged the students to concentrate on proposed policies and issues of national interest being propagated by political candidates as the basis to decide who gets their vote.

He also encouraged them to be studious and take all of their respective fields of study seriously to acquire the requisite skills for which they enrolled.

He said that was the only distinguishing mark between technical students and students of the traditional universities.

Christian Michael Teye, Vice President of the ATU SRC, also motivated students to strive extra hard to make the highest grades during their first and second years as these were the foundation for a successful completion of their stay in the University.

Students were also taken through various rules and regulations governing the school and student conduct as well as examination malpractices.

The launch, which had been attended by the President of the Ghana National Union of Polytechnics (GNUPS), had been preceded by a clean-up exercise earlier during the day.

The week-long celebration, which would include a series of activities daily, is expected to be climaxed by a float through the principal streets of Accra with the intention to “preach peace” to all Ghanaians toward the forthcoming December polls.

Source: GNA

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