US government condemns political violence in Ghana, threatens to deny, revoke visas

Vote_4The United States government has condemned all political violence in Ghana, especially any violent acts directed at political candidates, their homes or families, and threatens to deny or revoke visas for those found responsible.

In a press release issued by the US Embassy in Accra and copied to, it said while campaigns can be vigorous and sometimes contentious, violence has no place in the electoral process.

“In the period leading to and following Ghana’s elections on December 7, we call on all actors to remain peaceful and respect the democratic process. We encourage all parties to make it clear to their constituents that any violence or attempts to use intimidation to disrupt the democratic process is unacceptable. The United States will consider all options to hold responsible those who incite political violence, including denying or revoking visas,” it said.

Yesterday, November 13, an act of violence was reported at the home of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential candidate, Nana Akufo-Addo. The violence which reportedly led to the firing of warning shots and stone throwing was between supporters of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and body guards of Nana Addo.

Conflicting reports about the incident has made it impossible to know exactly what happened, and the police has made no arrests.

The US Embassy applauding Ghana’s tradition of peaceful, democratic elections, pointed out that the international community is working with the Electoral Commission, National and Regional Peace Councils, NGOs, civil society organizations, the media, the police and others to support Ghana’s efforts to hold credible and nonviolent presidential elections.

“We urge all to participate peacefully in the democratic process—before, during and after Election Day,” it added, reiterating   that the government of the United States does not support a particular candidate or a particular party.

“We support democracy. We will continue to work with the freely elected government of Ghana, just as we always have,” it said.

By Emmanuel K. Dogbevi

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