Nsawam-Adoagyiri Assembly meets 66% revenue target

money-cashThe Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly at the end of September, this year, collected GH¢748,859.96 representing 66.03 per cent of its revenue target.

The Assembly budget for GH¢860,000.00 from its traditional revenue sources which were reviewed in line with the functional organisational assessment tool.

Mr Ben Ohene Aye, the Municipal Chief Executive disclosed this at the third ordinary meeting of the first session of the Assembly at Nsawam.

He said the Tender Committee of the Assembly had awarded on contract a three-classroom block each at Bishop Ato and Panpanso Krokese, and Community-based Health Planning and Service compounds at Cannery Quarters and Otukwadjo for ratification by the Assembly.

Source: GNA

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