Editors’ Forum, Ghana to hold health talk

Steth3The Editors’ Forum, Ghana (EFG) will organise a health talk on back pain to be addressed by a neurosurgeon Dr Kafui Tamakloe at 0930hrs on Wednesday, October 26.

The talk, on the topic: ‘What you need to know about spinal problems’, will take place at the Ghana International Press Centre.

A statement by Emmanuel K. Dogbevi, EFG Secretary, said in view of the common complaint and rising incidence of back pain and spinal problems, the EFG is hosting the talk for the benefit of the media and to educate the general public.

The EFG is a group of editors, senior journalists and media educators affiliated to the Ghana Journalists Association.  Although it is more of a peer review mechanism, working mostly behind the scenes, the EFG is also an avenue to applaud and share best practice in the profession.

Additionally, from time to time the EFG organises public forums to discuss national or topical issues, such as this health talk, bearing in mind the sedentary nature of most media work.

Source: GNA

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