Iranian trade delegation explores business opportunities in Ghana

Some of the Iranians with President Mahama
Some of the Iranians with President Mahama

A 70-member Iranian trade delegation of the Trade Promotion Organisation are currently in the country to explore business opportunities and form partnerships with Ghanaian businesses if possible.

The delegation arrived in the country yesterday and is being led by the Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr Mohammad Javad.

Speaking at the first Ghana-Iran Business Forum, being organised by the Iran Foreign Ministry, Dr Javad said the forum indicated how important Iran considered Ghana, not only politically but also business-wise.

He said the forum was not only about trade but to participate in a joint co-operation to build the two countries together.

Dr Javad announced that the Iran Education Ministry had promised to extend scholarships to prospective Ghanaian students to study in the field of science and technology in Iran universities.

He noted that Iran is advanced in bio and non-bio technologies and is prepared to share with Ghana.

He said since the sanctions were officially lifted Iran was prepared to do business in the areas of banking, electricity, petroleum and agriculture among others.

Ms Hannah Tetteh, the Foreign Minister, assured the delegation that Ghanaians would respect their legal commitments and agreements irrespective of the outcome of the forthcoming general election.

She said Ghana had found oil and it was important to build partnerships in oil and gas exploration to improve the economic development of both countries.

She, therefore, gave the assurance that the Ministry was prepared to guide the delegation to deal with the right businesses.

Ms Tetteh said Ghana had deposits of other minerals apart from gold which would be of interest to the Iranian delegation and urged them to explore further for fruitful partnerships.

Ghana, she noted, is very well connected not only to the world but to the Sub-region and asked them to see Ghana in that broader context.

She said the government was committed to providing security and protection for those who would invest in the country.

Source: GNA

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