Applying Biblical tenets could transform Ghana – Methodist Bishop

The Right Reverend Professor Osei Safo-Kantanka, Methodist Bishop of Kumasi, is optimistic the nation’s development challenges could be addressed “if the leaders believe and resolve to experiment with what the Bible tells them to do”.
“The majority of us in key positions profess to be Christians, yet we are not prepared to do what the Gospel instructs us to do in transforming the lives of the people,” he said.
Delivering the sermon at a Thanksgiving Service to commemorate the Golden Jubilee Anniversary of the Bible Society of Ghana, at the Bantama Peyer Memorial Presbyterian Church, Kumasi, on Sunday, he admonished the leaders to be God-fearing.
Right Reverend Safo-Kantanka said political leaders in particular, were agents of change and because they represented the interest of the masses, it was expected of them to be selfless, humble and honest.
“I believe we can overcome our current development challenges to alleviate the plight of the people if we can apply Biblical tenets to help guide our leaders in the way they ought to discharge their duties,” the Methodist Bishop observed.
The Anniversary is being marked on the theme “50 Years of Faithful Service to God and Ghana”.
Preaching on the topic “God’s Transforming Word: Life for All”, the Minister expressed worry over what he described as the invention of some alien beliefs and practices into the Christian arena, a development he said could destroy the church.
“Some people parading as intellectual Christians and with opposing views of what the Bible stands for seek to distort facts and directives as presented in the Gospel, and these are the very people who are destroying the church,” Right Reverend Safo-Kantanka insisted.
He said it was imperative that well-meaning Christians read the Bible thoroughly and meditated upon it in order not be swayed by self-seeking Ministers.
The Reverend Steve Asante, an official of the Bible Society of Ghana, enumerated some key achievements of the Society, ranging from the translation of the Bible to the different Ghanaian dialects to the distribution of free Bibles to the non-faithful.
This, he said, had helped to transform the lives of the people for the better.
Mr. Peter Anarfi-Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister, advised the church to be effective partners of the government in executing development projects to promote the welfare of the people.
Source: GNA