Anti-tsetsefly project saves pigs in New Juaben

pigsThe Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) has gone to the aid of pig farmers in the New Juaben Municipality, who were losing most of their livestock through trypanosomiasis,(sleeping sickness) a disease caused by the tsetse-fly.

The MOFA has introduced a Livestock Protective Net Fence (LPNF) project on pilot basis to stop the invasion of the flies.

The implementation of the project, which started three years ago, resulted in high livestock production in the area.

The LPNF intervention by MOFA was supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

At a forum in Koforidua, the pig farmers said the project had greatly increased their production and income levels.

They said the nets were so effective that they controlled mosquitoes and other insects which hitherto invaded the pig pens.

Dr Charles Mahama, National Coordinator of the Pan-African Tsetse fly-Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign, said the forum was to assess the impact of the intervention to guide IFAD into the next phase of the project.

Dr Kingsley Mickey Aryee, Eastern Regional Veterinary Officer, indicated that the project would be extended to other parts of the country where insects and pests constitute a major constraint to livestock production.

Mr Kwamena Arkorful, Municipal Director of MOFA, urged the farmers to partner with his outfit and the veterinary services to boost production.

Source: GNA

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