Chefs mark World Food Day

Chefs for Change in collaboration with Finatrade Foundation, and other organisations on Wednesday, celebrated the United Nations World Food Day by donating food to some aged and orphans in the society.

The donation was made to the Osu Children’s Home, Help Age Ghana and the Accra Psychiatric hospital, with the aim of feeding the less privileged in society and to create awareness on the need for all to abstain from food wastage.

Mr Elijah Amoah-Addo, Chefs for Change, said the initiative which formed part of activities line-up to mark the World Food Day, was also to share and interact with children, the aged and the less privileged in society.

He said recent statistics shows that 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted around the world every year without considering the number of children who die every year out of hunger.

Mr Amoah-Addo said wasted food that were disposed into the bin turned into methane, a green-house gas that were extremely more hazardous than the carbon dioxide which was emitted into the atmosphere from vehicles.

“Food loss and waste also lead to a major inefficiency of resources such as water, land, energy and capital and needlessly produce greenhouse emission which contributed to global warming and climate change’’ he said.

Mrs Sharon Abbey, Manager, Osu children’s home, receiving the items on behalf of the home, expressed gratitude to the chefs for adding the home to their list saying the orphanage would always remember this day of sharing.

She said food is one of the basic needs of every human being and children in particular need to be fed well in order to grow healthy.

Mrs Abbey expressed her appreciation to the efforts of the organisations and expressed the hope that the donation would not be the last but the beginning of building a better relationship between the two entities.

She said the home needed more support and that government alone could not bear the cost and called on private organizations and corporate entities to come to their assistance.

Source: GNA

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