Fulanis do decent business in Ghana – Leader

Alhaji Sambo Fuseini, Head of Fulanis in the Volta Region, said Fulanis are not only herdsmen but do decent business in Ghana and are law abiding.

He therefore urged the citizenry to desist from tagging Fulanis as a band of lawless people whose trademark was crime.

Alhaji Fuseini was speaking at a meeting of Fulani herdsmen in the Adaklu District and Mr. Emmanuel Sky Ganaku, the District Chief Executive at Waya.

He expressed regret at recent media reports ascribing highway robberies, killing and raping of innocent women to people suspected to be Fulanis.

Alahaji Fuseini pledged that he and his compatriots would respect the laws of Ghana and expose those who would infiltrate its ranks to commit crime.

Mr. Ganaku appealed to settlers including Fulani herdsmen in the district to assist the indigenes to develop the new district.

He urged them to register with the Assembly, pay their levies and help the Assembly identify those who would infiltrate their ranks to cause trouble in the district.

He advised the Fulanis to build one settlement to make it easier for the Assembly to provide them with social amenities.

Mr Ganaku urged them to send their children to school and keep their habitations clean.

He said the herdsmen should keep their animals from destroying food crops so that they would live in peace with the indigenes.

The herdsmen appealed to the District Assembly to help them build a dam to enable their animals get water during the dry season.

Source: GNA

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