Politicians advised to consider positions as calling to serve mankind

The Catholic Diocese of Tamale on Saturday held a special service to usher in the Northern Regional Minister, Mr Bede Ziedeng into the Region and to bid farewell to the Mr Moses Bukari Mabengba, the former Minister.

The two ministers are stanch Catholics, who have distinguished themselves in the Catholic faith and had been active in the church’s activities despite their busy schedules.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale, Most Reverend Philip Naameh, in a sermon at the Our Lady of Annunciation Cathedral advised politicians to consider their positions as a calling to serve mankind and to implement programmes that would impact positively to improve the living standard of the people.

He urged politicians to be guided by their religious faiths and moral principles in everything they did, adding that “You should not use your office to enrich your immediate families and cronies”.

Archbishop Naameh said there were many developmental challenges facing the country and stressed the need to pay urgent attention to salvage the people from suffering.

He commended the Former Minister for his hard work, service and dedication to the Church during his tenure of office.

Mr Ziedeng observed that political positions were challenging and appealed to the Church to support politicians during their prayers to enable them to succeed.

He said ensuring a relative peace in the region was one of his priorities and that peace was an important vehicle to propel development.

Mr Ziedeng said as part of effort towards ensuring peace, plans were far advanced to activate and strengthen the work of the Regional Peace Council.

Mr Mabengba thanked the Church for the recognition and the support in the form of advice and prayers during his tenure of office.

“As politicians we can only deliver our mandate if we get support and encouragement from you. The work is huge and we cannot do it alone, as a people but we always need suggestions, innovative ideas and constructive criticisms to put us on our toes so that it will help develop the region”, he said.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. jON says

    Interesting call to steal and enrich themselves no wonder Ghana and the continent ravage in poverty with all th resources. Leaders who only think about themselves

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