20-year-old man charged for cocaine possession

law-and-justiceAn Accra circuit court on Thursday remanded Godfred Nii Awuley Lartey, 20, into prison custody for allegedly possessing 94 wrappers of whitish substance suspected to be cocaine.

Nii Lartey who pleaded guilty, would re-appear on October 7.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Patrick Morkeh told the court presided over by Mr Francis Obiri, that the complainant in the case is a private security guard at “Koajay” Security Company attached to Achimota Transport terminal.

He said on August 12, the complainant was on duty at the transport terminal from the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm.

DSP Morkeh said the complainant, came across the accused sitting on a concrete slab in the process of counting the exhibits.

The Prosecution said the complainant confronted the accused and questioned him as to what he was counting and the content of the wrappers but the accused could not give any tangible explanation.

He said the complainant took one of the wrapper and after inspection, it was found to have contained whitish substance suspected to be cocaine.

“The complainant, therefore, arrested the accused together with the exhibit and handed him over to the police,” he added.

Source: GNA

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