Former US sprinter Carl Lewis to visit Ghana

Celebrated American sprinter, Carl Lewis will visit Ghana in November to mentor some selected young athletes.

Lewis who is considered the greatest track and field athlete of all time with ten Olympic medals would also hold clinics for students athletes,  professional athletes and instructors during his stay.

Reks Brobby, initiator of the Ghana’s Fastest Human project that seeks to unearth a potential Olympic sprint medalist told GNA Sports that Lewis’ visit is to impart knowledge and experience.

Lewis would be the fourth high profile American athlete to visit Ghana after legendary boxer Mohammed Ali, former sprinter queen Marion Jones and tennis star Serena Williams.

So far, 16 of 65 athletes from the  Kumasi zone have qualified  for the next round of the track event.

About 350 athletes are  registered to compete for a look in nationwide.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. Clayton says

    Why would you want a man like Lewis. He’s a lying cheat. Everyone knows he took banned substances while he competed yet he walks around and talks like he never did a thing wrong in his life. I’m sure you could find better human being than him, Even Ben Johnson admitted to taking banned substances and has been apologizing for it for the last 25 years. Lewis isn’t man enough to do that.

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