Government disburses funds to fire victims

Nana Oye Lithur - Minister for Gender & Social Protection
Nana Oye Lithur – Minister for Gender & Social Protection

Nana Oye Lithur, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, on Monday confirmed that government had disbursed funds to 6,800 fire victims in Accra and Kumasi.

She said the disbursement of funds was in line with government’s commitment to alleviate the plight of traders affected by the fire.

The Minister, who was speaking during the monitoring visit to Agbogbloshie and Kantamanto markets, said traders who were registered had their bank details verified for the subsequent transfer of cash to their accounts.

She said the bank details verification took place in Kumasi and Accra on 11th to 15th August for the 7,381 affected persons who were registered, explaining that the 781 who have not yet been verified and confirmed have varied discrepancies in their names and account numbers.

“The discrepancies range from wrong house addresses to incorrect bank numbers. Additionally, some traders used names of the property owners for the registration, which does not correspond with their bank details,” she said.

She said a total of 3,451 traders had their account details in the traditional banks verified and credited in Kumasi and Accra, adding that “about 700 traders who have also been successfully verified were yet to have their accounts credited because their accounts are on saving and loans schemes which are not on the Bank of Ghana Inter Bank Settlement system”.

Nana Oye Lithur said such people could not be paid electronically, explaining that a cheque with payment voucher details had therefore been issued and should reflect in their account by the close of the week.

She said each victim received GH¢300 as their consolation fee to help put them back on their feet.

Madam Monica Adjei, a trader at the Agbogbloshie market, said the money paid by government would greatly help them as some banks were also granting them loans to help solve some of their problems.

Justice Amarlai Tetteh, Chairman of Second Hand Clothes Dealers, thanked government for delivering on the promise and appealed to the Minister to do something about the market.

Madam Mercy Nii Djan, President of Markets in Accra, expressed satisfaction with the turnout of events and advised victims who had not yet received their money to exercise patience as they would soon receive theirs.

Source: GNA

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