Christianity now a religion of convenience – Bishop

BibleThe Right Reverend Edward Ofori-Donkor, Bishop of the Sekondi Diocese of the Methodist Church-Ghana, on Thursday stated that Christianity has become a religion of convenience and not a way to salvation.

He said Christians are supposed to take bold steps to evangelise to win souls for Christ, instead of always asking God to so by Himself.

Rt Rev Ofori-Donkor made this known at the opening ceremony of the Third Biennial and 13th Connexional Evangelist Conference of the Methodist Church-Ghana, at Ketan near Sekondi in the Western Region.

The conference was on the theme: “Witnessing to Christ today: The role of the Methodist evangelist.”

Rt Rev Ofori-Donkor said: “If we do not do more than church services, meetings, programmes and prayer meetings, sinners will never hear Christ’s invitation to be saved.”

He entreated Christians to go out and witness to those who are perishing; adding that Christ died for sinners therefore the word of God must be shared at places where sinners could be found.

“Remember that sinners do not go to church therefore we must go to them,” he stressed.

Nana Kofi Adjei Imbeah, a former Education Director of the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, asked Christians and evangelists to visit schools to share the word of God with students.

He said this would make them morally upright to enable them to become better future leaders that would inure to the development of the country.

Nana Adjei Imbeah commended the Methodist Church for initiating many educational infrastructure in the country that had impacted positively in the sector.

He urged them to continue to support Ghana Education Service to influence the moral values of students and the society at large.

Source: GNA

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