MMDAs attend workshop on street naming abd property addressing

Key actors in the Northern Region, have attended an orientation workshop to equip them with knowledge to help ensure successful implementation of the Street Naming and Property Addressing (SNPA) Policy.

The actors included metropolitan, municipal and district chief executives (MMDCEs), district coordinating directors, budget officers, physical planners and staff from the Works Department.

They were taken through the process of SNPA system, the responsibilities of MMDAs, and the human resource and logistics necessary to ensure the successful implementation of the policy.

The SNPA policy is to improve emergency response services, boost revenue collection and facilitate the operations of businesses, easy location of land and property, and add to the beautification of settlements.

Government hopes to name all streets and property in the country by September next year.

Speaking at the workshop in Tamale on Wednesday, Mr Bede Ziedeng, Regional Minister said: “Spatial planning in … MMDAs is weak and is largely responsible for the lack of appreciation for the importance of SNPA system.”

Mr Ziedeng said the country is experiencing an alarming rate of urbanisation hence the need for urgent measures to address the situation.

He urged the MMDCEs to activate sub-district structures in their jurisdictions to play their roles of recommending the naming of roads and numbering of buildings.

Mr Baba Jamal, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development urged the MMDAs to be fair but firm when they had to pull down or remove certain structures to implement the policy.

Source: GNA

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