Christian Council congratulates Ghanaians for peace

CrowdThe Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) has congratulated Ghanaians for the manner in which they had conducted themselves after the 2012 Election Petition.

In a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency on Wednesday, the Council noted that the matured manner in which Ghanaians embraced the verdict on the election petition was a true reflection of their undoubted peace loving nature.

“However, as a Council, we believes that as a people we can do more to ensure the sustainability of the peace and tranquility that is currently prevailing”, the statement read.

The statement said the Council had been monitoring developments that had characterized the aftermath of the Supreme Court verdict.

“It is in the light of the above that the Council is again calling on all political parties, especially the NDC and NPP leadership and their followers, social commentators and serial callers to refrain from utterances that are provocative, inciteful and divisive”.

The statement also called on all church leaders and other religious bodies to use platforms such as the media, church activities and other religious programmes to facilitate national reconciliation.

“The time has come for us as religious leaders to use our faith to champion unity, reconciliation, love and the wellbeing,” the statement said.

Source: GNA

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