Development partners donate vehicles to units

Three Nissan Patrol vehicles were on Monday presented to three regional planning co-ordinating units to facilitate the monitoring and co-ordinating of activities in the districts.

The vehicles, which formed the first batch of 10 expected to be delivered to all the regions, are to help the units in submission of reports on projects at the district assemblies.

The three regions that received the vehicles are Western, Central and Volta regions.

Speaking at a ceremony to hand over the vehicles to the beneficiary regions in Accra, Mr Baba Jamal, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, expressed gratitude to the development partners for their kind gesture.

The vehicles are being provided through the District Development Facility (DDF).

The DDF is a transition in the field of decentralisation from a project-based approach to a programme-based approach using existing national institutions and procedures.

The Facility is aimed at modernising and improving the local government financing mechanism in Ghana and in building the capacity of metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies to manage their resources and implement their mandate effectively.

The DDF co-ordinates and harmonises the fragmented donor and government initiatives targeting local government financing and capacity building.

The development partners, under the project, include the Canadian Development Agency, Danish Development Agency, German Development Bank and the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD).

Mr Bruno Leclerc, Resident Manager of AFD, expressed optimism that provision of the vehicles to the regional planning co-ordinating units in the 10 regions would aid their movement.

He gave the assurance that the next batch of five vehicles would be provided soon to other regions adding that the remaining two would be delivered on schedule.

AFD is a financial institution and the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries and overseas territories.

Source: GNA

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