Speaker swears in new Kumbungu MP

Speaker Doe Adjaho
Speaker Doe Adjaho

Mr Edward Doe Adjaho, Speaker of Parliament, on Tuesday swore-in the newly elected Member of Parliament for Kumbungu constituency, in the Northern region, Mr Amadu Moses Yahya, when the House reconvened after a period of recess.

Mr Yahya, a member of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), has replaced the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP, Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni, who resigned his position after he was appointed Executive Secretary of the ACP/EU.

Mr Yahaya swore the oath of allegiance  and the oath of a Member of Parliament.

Mr Dan Botwe, Minority Whip, commended the new member saying it was a happy occasion because he had come to replace a member who had been elevated.

Dr Benjamin Kumbuor, Majority Leader said with a brand new member from Kumbungu, the MP will bring issues from all sides of the political divide that would  inform the debate in the House, and advised the new member to learn from his colleagues in the House.

He stated that most of the business of the House was done by the Majority.

Mr Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, Minority Leader, noted that the business of the House was business of government and not for the Majority in Parliament alone, adding that it had always been the hope that one day Ghana will have a parliamentary Majority  that is not in government.

Source: GNA

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