Amanase Chief Farmer appeals to Cocoa Services for extension officers

cocoa-treeThe Chief Cocoa Farmer for Amanase in the Suhum Municipality, Opanin Alexander Asamoah Ampofo, has appealed to the Extension Service of Cocoa Services Division, to extend their services to farmers in the Amanase cocoa growing area.

Opanin Ampofo, 61, made the appeal through the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Amanase.

He said since the new extension system included their Unit (Area), in collaboration with other stakeholders, it was better that the extension services was extended to farmers in the area.

He said when the “extension service” was placed under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), the area was completely neglected, but expressed optimism that  under the Cocoa Services, their appeal would be considered.

The Amanase Chief Cocoa Farmer said the new extension system involved programmes like snail farming, animal rearing, bee-keeping, gari and palm kernel processing, so as to assist the farmers during farming off-season.

Opanin Ampofo has his farms at Amanase Homeso where he has cultivated nine acres cocoa farm, two acres palm fruits, one acre citrus and animal husbandry.

Source: GNA

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