Winner-takes-all is good concept – Dr Antwi-Danso

Dr. V. Antwi-DansoDr Vladimir Antwi-Danso, Senior Fellow at the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy, said the concept of winner takes all in Ghanaian politics is a good thing, which must be encouraged.

He said the concept was good but had been abused by winning parties since the inception of the fourth republican constitution.

Dr Antwi-Danso said in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the sidelines of a roundtable organised by the Institute of Democratic Governance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration to mark the African Union Day which falls on May 25.

According to him, most political parties in government turned to abuse the system because they wanted to put everyone in the country under their feet.

He said Ghanaians voted a particular party into government because they wanted it to improve their lives, and that meant selecting the kind of brains needed to perform the task no matter their political affiliations.

Dr Antwi-Danso said the “winner-takes-all” concept was to facilitate national development, which politicians must understand and apply for the benefit of the nation; adding that it was certain that governments would come and go but the nation Ghana would always be there.

He advised government not to award state contracts to companies and individuals because of political party affiliation, but rather it should be done on merit.

He said democracy was a continuous process and projects embarked upon by previous governments must not be allowed to go waste in the name of party politics.

Dr Antwi-Danso lauded President John Dramani Mahama for appointing some technocrats as deputy ministers in his administration.

Source: GNA

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