NLA Boss warns staff of fraudulent acts

LottoBrigadier General Martin Ahiaglo, Acting Director General of National Lottery Authority (NLA), has warned the staff to stay away from fraudulent acts and help generate revenue for the State.

He said any staff that would be caught in any form of fraud under his watch would not go unpunished.

General Ahiaglo gave the warning during his maiden meeting with the staff of the Authority.

He personnel of NLA in Kumasi who were involved in fraudulent deals would be made to face the full rigours of law.

“The main objective of the Authority is to generate revenue for Government and the unfortunate incidence of fraud which had recently hit the Authority could have a direct impact on the Authority’s mandate,” he said.

General Ahiaglo noted that the incident of fraud also had the potential of demotivating staff and destroying the hard earned reputation and integrity of the Authority.

He urged the staff to cultivate the values of hard work, honesty, teamwork and high ethical conduct to be able fulfill the mandate of NLA.

Source: GNA

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