Radiographers want laws to regulate radiology practice in Ghana

Radiation, which is used for medical imaging at health facilities, is said to be hazardous to any human being over exposed to it, yet Ghana has no law to regulate the practice of radiology leading to influx of many private medical laboratories, imaging and ultrasound facilities.

These phenomena had culminated into substandard practices and many people have had their medical conditions worsened after accessing such facilities due to lack of qualified personnel,  Dr Yaw Opoku, the National President of the Ghana Society of Radiographers, told the GNA in an interview at a  congress of the society in Koforidua.

He said quacks had invaded the profession and investigations had proved that many personnel who scanned patients and issue reports were not properly trained or qualified.

He said it was critical for the government to pay attention to the issue because many innocent patients who just want cure for ailments must be protected from quacks that had entered the system with the sole aim of making money.

According to Dr Opoku radiation, a component of medical treatment, had a very bad side that could be harmful to humans and therefore it was important that people using radiation were regulated to ensure that they adhered to the required standard that would benefit than harm humanity.

He said one major challenge in the health delivery in Ghana had been the unregulated regime of Allied Health Professions (AHP) including radiography since the regulatory bill which sought to provide the needed legal framework had been in parliament for several years now.

Dr Opoku said the need for such regulation in Ghana had become more crucial with the involvement of private health sector healthcare in the areas of medical laboratories, medical imaging, and ultrasound which were hitherto found only in the public healthcare sector.

Speaking on the theme “Strengthening Medical Imaging Practices in Ghana through efficient and responsive regulatory framework”, he appealed to the Minister of Health to ensure the passage of the AHP bill into law when parliament reconvenes on December 17 adding “It would be your greatest legacy to the health ministry and sector”.

Dr Opoku urged members of the society in the face of the challenge to strengthen links between various health professional to improve quality health care to the people since no profession or society could achieve much while working in isolation.

Mr Kwasi Arthur, a lecturer in radiology, said the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) had a clause that all health workers on their list must be licensed and regulated and so it was necessary that the bill was passed.

Source: GNA

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