LESDEP weaning youth off formal sector jobs in Volta Region

The Volta Regional Directorate of the Local Enterprises and Skills Development Programme (LESDEP), has begun a series of youth targeted-interactions to get young people out of their fixation for formal sector jobs.

At its normally animated talk sessions, LESDEP team went with an entrepreneur, who recounted the journey from idea conception through implementation to the present status.

Mrs Selasi Dzikunu, LESDEP Deputy Volta Regional Coordinator speaking at an encounter with students of the Ve-Senior High School (SHS) at Ve-Kolenu in the newly created Afadjato District on Thursday said the programme was aimed at providing the youth with skills of entrepreneurship.

The Ve-SHS programme was a LESDEP and Youth Enhancement International collaboration to mark Global Entrepreneurship Week 2012.

Mrs Dzikunu said it was important that young people learnt not to “despise little beginnings” and that it was ideas, seeking good counselling, good planning and passion for the chosen field, rather than “big money” that created businesses.

Mr Wisdom Kudzo Deku, Managing Director of Sanja Ghana Limited based in Ho told the students; he dropped out of school at Junior High School (JHS) Form 2, roamed Accra for jobs, never passed any job interview and failed to get help from supplications through pastors.

Mr Deku said, however, hard thinking got him into a specialized distribution business, which had sustained him to the admiration of relatives who gave up on him.

He said integrity was important in all business transactions and that while an entrepreneur must be smart “he must not outsmart his clients”.

Mr Deku said pricing was another important thing in business, “just the right price for the right market no over pricing”.

Mr James Dzisi, LESDEP, Volta Regional Coordinator, said the organization was available for starters wanting to revive and boost their businesses.

Mr Alhassan Osman, Headmaster of Ve-SHS, said the 500-student school owned a 15-acre oil-palm plantation, which made it a business-conscious corporate body.

Source: GNA

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