EC holds pilot biometric verification exercise

The Electoral Commission (EC) on Saturday began a two-day pilot biometric verification exercise in two districts in the Greater Accra Region.

The exercise is to enable the EC to have a firsthand experience of what the actual polls will be like on December.

Mr. Alexander Doku Akubia, Greater Accra Director of the EC told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the exercise took off smoothly and was progressing peacefully and successfully.

The exercise is taking place at two polling centres in the Ashiedu Keteke District – the YCWA Polling Station and the Sempe Primary Number One Polling Station.

Sunday November 4, the EC will move to the Ga West District to conduct the exercise at the Church of Pentecost and Pobiman Private School Polling Stations.

Mr Akubia appealed to voters in the polling stations to be patient with the election officials. He said the Voter ID card was required to vote.

He also advised the general electorate to cooperate with the election officials on voting day should a problem arise, noting that Presiding Officers were well capable to deal with election issues.

“Our officials should also keep to the regulations of the EC”, he said.

Mr. Maxwell Kwamina, Deputy Returning Officer at the Accra Sempe Primary Number One Polling Station, said after verifying 115 voters, he had been re-assured that the system was perfect.

“Nobody should even think of cheating because this system would definitely give them away,” he advised.

Source: GNA

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