Durbar starts Asogli Yam Festival 2012

A mini-durbar to formally kick start activities marking the 2012 Asogli Yam Festival was held at Takla-Gborgame near Ho on Thursday.
Togbe Anikpi lll, Chief of Ho-Heve and Chairman of the Festival Planning Committee, said the import of holding the festival inaugural durbar outside Ho was to build bonds of unity and comradeship among various units of the Asogli State.
The festival, besides being a symbolic commencement of harvest time, is a huge homecoming event, climaxed by a grand durbar.
Theme for the 2012 festival is “Political Tolerance, a Prerequisite for Peace and Development”.
Togbe Anikpi urged the Asoglis and all Ghanaians to be of good conduct during the coming elections.
The highlight of the durbar at Takla was the demonstration of yam planting, tendering and harvesting.
Togbe Koku Ayim lll, Paramount Chief of the Takla Traditional Area, lauded the development focus of the festival, which this year would be climaxed by a grand durbar on September 22.
Staff of the Volta Regional Ho mounted a health desk on the sidelines of the durbar to check blood pressure, body index and sugar levels of willing celebrants.
Miss Enyonam Doamekpor, a nursing sister who led the health team, said a few people with high blood pressures were detected, some counseled and others referred to the hospital.
Source: GNA