Tidal waves devastate Keta coastline communities

Fresh tidal waves have been smashing the coastline along Keta Municipal area since Friday destroying houses, farms and properties as well as displacing scores of people.

The affected communities, which are located outside the Keta and the Atokor-Akplorwotokor sea defense project area, include Dzita, Srogboe, Whuti, Horvi and Blekusu, all in the Keta Municipal Area.

Mr Alex Atakpa, Keta Municipal National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) Coordinator told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that about 60 houses had been destroyed with 35 of them at Dzita alone.

He said large tracts of vegetable farms were under water at Srogboe, Whuti and Dzita.

Mr Atakpa said about 100 people, who have been displaced were being housed and given other supports by their relatives, adding that, NADMO was assessing the situation for action.

Consultants working on the Atokor-Akplorwotorkor Sea Defense Project have suggested a sea defense wall along the entire coastline from Anyanui, in the Keta Municipal Area to Aflao in the Ketu-South Municipal Area, without which the sea would occasionally thrust through the gaps along the coastline to cause havoc.

Source: GNA

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