US expects “strong” relations with Ghana’s new President Mahama

The United States is hoping to have an equally strong relationship with Ghana’s new President John Mahaama as it had with the Late President John Atta Mills.
According to a senior official at the US State Department, Ghana is an important democratic and development partner in Africa and Prof Mills was a very important figure to the US.
“Mills was a very important figure. We expect to have an equally strong relationship with his successor (Mahama),” the US State Department official blog quoted the official as saying during Secretary Hilary Clinton’s visit to Ghana August 10, 2012.
Mr John Mahama was sworn-in as President of Ghana following the death of Prof Mills July 24, 2012 after he was taken ill.
Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Accra where she attended the Ghanaian State Funeral of the Late President John Atta Mills.
In a statement on the passing of President Mills, Secretary Clinton said, “President Mills made a significant contribution to Ghana’s democracy and development, and forged a strong and positive partnership with the United States.
“President Mills was a champion for his nation and his loss will be felt around the world,” Clinton said.
While in Accra, Secretary Clinton met with President Mahama to have some discussions.
By Ekow Quandzie