Obey simple safety tips to prevent fire outbreaks – Fire Officer

Mr Charles Addo, a divisional officer of the National Fire Service Medical Centre, has advised residents of the Sabon Zongo community in Accra to simply obey fire regulations to prevent outbreaks.

Mr Addo, who gave the advice at the end of an outreach educational programme for the community on domestic fire risk reduction on Saturday, said mere education would not prevent outbreaks but the adherence of simple basic instructions such as proper handling and usage of gas cylinders, avoiding overloading electrical gadgets and lightening of candle near inflammable items in the homes.

He noted that domestic fire outbreaks had always been caused by negligence and therefore entreated everyone to help prevent such disasters.

He called for more commitment from assembly members to lead in the crusade to ensure compliance of basic fire instructions within the communities to reduce fire disasters.

Mr Addo expressed appreciation to Janok Foundation, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) for their collaborative effort in organising the educational programme for the Zongo community.

Madam Jane Oku, Executive Director of the Janok Foundation, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, urged Muslims to practise what they had been taught in order to help prevent and or reduce outbreaks.

She said her NGO would intensify the public education programme on the cause of fire effects and prevention measures to homes in the communities and also educate the people on good environmental hygiene practices.

Madam Oku appealed to the people to adhere to proper waste disposal practices such as proper usage of household waste bins, judicious use of the communal containers and also avoid the dumping of refuse into drains.

Source: GNA

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