Ghana Red Cross launches nationwide first aid training for teachers

The Ghana Red Cross Society (GRCS), has launched a nationwide training in first aid for teachers in both public and private schools.

Mr Eric Asamoah-Darko, Greater Accra Regional Manager of the Society, said this is to equip them with the necessary skills to enable them to efficiently handle injuries sustained by school children, and other disaster victims in their communities.

He said already 271 teachers in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality have benefitted for the training  and said the entire programme was being funded by the GRCS.

The Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Education Director, Mr Linus Bukari, commended the GRCS for initiating the programme.

He appealed to the GRCS to establish Red Cross Clubs in schools in the municipality.

Mr Felix Asrachie Baidoo,  Ashanti Regional Public Relations Officer of the Society, asked the youth to contribute to the development of their communities.

He said the society was planning to train safety personnel at factory and construction companies.

Source: GNA

1 Comment

    Tuti !. I am a member but i ‘ve lost the skills. I ‘d like to learn once again this humanitarial job for my community.

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